A Journey from Trauma to Freedom.

This series reveals Afrofuturism as a vibrant symphony of inner expressions. Fashion, like a worn coloring page, carries the weight of pain and trauma. I admire the beauty of people collectively fighting for their future, a powerful celebration of their own resilience. From my perspective, a tribute to the respect and splendor it brings. A collective struggle for a shared future, an anthem of empowerment that I want to show through these images.

Deep in the color palette of the soul,

Where fashion is not a substance, but reveals a story.

A worn coloring page, a symphony of layers,

Heavy as pain, as trauma, as carrying.

Afrofuturism, a look at the horizon,

Where respect and splendor go hand in hand,

People fighting together for their tomorrow,

In this journey I want to show them their own strength.

Dark in the image, static and heavy,

A burden of trauma, faces scarred by past experiences.

Movement explodes like screams in the night,

A collective dance of processing, of change, full of power.

A celebration of color, dance, and freedom,

Layers of clothing illuminated, like a liberated identity.

The hair, once tight, now dances free and wild,

A new beginning, a promise of a future revealed.

This journey, a spoken word in images,

Reveals the burdens we carry, but also the strength deep within.

Afrofuturism, a story of resilience and liberation, a journey from trauma to freedom,

an ode to the own evolution.


